Is Endometriosis the Cause of Your Acne?

You suffer from endometriosis.

And as if that isn’t enough, you also deal with painful acne blemishes. 

Are you wondering if there may be a correlation between your endometriosis and the acne you have been experiencing?

Science shows that your acne may be connected to your endo and that there is hope for relief. 

In this guide, we will discuss endometriosis and acne and the possible connection between the two.

Table of Contents

Is There a Connection Between Endometriosis and Acne?

Acne is a skin condition that results in blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples of all shapes and sizes. 

There are four factors known to contribute to acne:

  • Excessive oil production
  • The clogging of pores by “sticky” skin cells
  • An overgrowth of bacteria
  • Inflammation

  • You may be wondering, ”Will endometriosis cause acne?”

    Read on to find out.

    Endometriosis and Hormonal Imbalance

    Studies have confirmed a link between endometriosis and acne.

    The main factors at play here are the hormonal imbalances experienced by women diagnosed with endo.  

    Women suffering from endometriosis also suffer from a condition known as estrogen dominance. 

    Estrogen dominance occurs when the level of estrogen in a woman’s body is out of whack with her body’s level of progesterone, resulting in a hormonal imbalance.

    I have stage 4 endometriosis so I know all about the negative effects of hormonal imbalance. That’s why I created a product for women like me — for women like you. Keep reading to learn more about how this imbalance can lead to acne. 

    How Hormonal Imbalance Can Lead to Endometriosis Acne

    One of the huge problems associated with an elevated level of estrogen is that it causes an inflammatory response throughout the body. 

    And since inflammation is one of the triggers for acne, it stands to reason that this hormonal imbalance can lead to endometriosis acne. 

    Endometriosis and Cystic Acne: Is There a Connection to Hormonal Imbalance?

    Cystic acne is a form of acne that causes cysts to form deep beneath the skin. 

    Unlike your typical pimple, these painful bumps generally don't come to a head on the surface and are known for being extremely tender to the touch.

    Cystic acne, like other forms of acne, is triggered by hormones - the same way endometriosis is triggered.

    Endometriosis, Acne, and Inflammation

    As we’ve seen, endometriosis and acne are both conditions that are greatly affected by inflammation within the body. 

    Since endo suffers are generally extra sensitive to inflammation triggers, they may very well be sensitive to endometriosis acne breakouts as well.

    Let's take a look at a few of the things known to ramp up the symptoms of both endometriosis and acne. 


    If you’re struggling with endometriosis acne, you will want to steer clear of these inflammation-producing foods:  

    • Sugar
    • Caffeine
    • Alcohol
    • Dairy products 
    • A diet high in trans fats
    • Gluten
    • Refined food
    • Fast food


    A chronic condition of any type will be triggered by stress, and endometriosis and acne are no exceptions.

    And remember, when your body is under stress, inflammation quickly follows. 

    Here is where meditation, yoga, and taking some time to unplug can work miracles by reducing your stress and managing endo and endometriosis skin breakouts.

    Menstrual Cycle

    Killer cramps.



    And we can add acne to that list. 

    Many women with endometriosis find that their skin comes under an acne attack 7 to 10 days before the start of their period. 

    Can Endometriosis Skin Breakouts Be Linked to Other Inflammatory Conditions?

    A 2002 study published by the United States Department of Health and Human Services confirmed that women with endometriosis have a higher rate of autoimmune diseases, some of which manifest themselves in skin conditions.  

    These include:

    • Rosacea
    • Psoriasis
    • Dermatitis 


    Rosacea is a fairly common skin condition that results in redness and visible blood vessels in the face. Sometimes it also produces small, red, pus-filled pimples. 

    While its exact cause is yet unknown, it is thought that rosacea may be a result of ongoing inflammation in the body.


    The autoimmune skin disease known as psoriasis speeds up the growth cycle of skin cells. 

    This rapid growth results in dry, thick, raised patches on the skin that tend to be covered with a silvery-white coating, resembling scales.

    Individuals with psoriasis frequently described their pain as itchy, sabbing, throbbing, or burning.

    Studies have shown there is a connection between psoriasis and endometriosis, specifically due to inflammation.


    Women with endometriosis are more likely to have the skin condition eczema, which is also known as atopic dermatitis.

    Atopic dermatitis causes your skin to become red and itchy.

    Wondering what causes it?

    You guessed it — inflammation.  

    Women suffering from endometriosis have been shown to have a higher incidence of atopic dermatitis than those without endo.

    How to Manage Endometriosis and Acne Symptoms Naturally

    When you have endometriosis, the battle with acne can seem never-ending. 

    The goal is to try to keep your hormones in as close to a perfect balance as possible. 

    Below are some ideas that may help you maintain that sweet spot.

    The Endo Diet

    A healthy diet is a huge piece of the endo puzzle.

    My endometriosis diet is anti-inflammatory and has helped hundreds of women, just like you, manage the symptoms of both endometriosis and acne. 

    What does an endometriosis diet look like?

    Eat plenty of: 

  • Fresh fruits and veggies
  • High fiber foods including apples, legumes, okra, citrus, chia, flax seeds, pears, plums, and whole oats
  • High-quality fats such as olive oil and coconut oil 

  • Go easy on:

  • Caffeinated beverages and foods such as chocolate
  • Alcohol

  • Do your best to avoid consuming:

  • Dairy products
  • Soy products
  • Foods containing gluten 
  • Refined sugar
  • Red meat 
  • Exercise

    When you are suffering from endometriosis, it is crucial that you find just the right exercise routine.

    Should you train for a marathon or hit the gym for cross fit?


    “Easy does it” is the key.  

    Here are some ideas that can help you create a personalized, sensible exercise routine:

    • Walk your dog
    • Do some easy laps at the pool
    • Complete a gentle core-strengthening workout
    • Practice your diaphragmatic breathing
    • Do lunges and squats
    • Engage in overall stretching
    • Go rock climbing
    • Take a yoga class

    Nighttime Cleansing Routine

    Your mom was right.

    You really should always wash your face before going to bed, and here is why.

    Leaving your makeup on overnight can allow bacteria to grow on your skin. 

    And acne loves bacteria.

    A mild cleanser and quality moisturizer can work wonders in clearing up endometriosis skin breakouts. 

    As with any skincare, it's important not to overdo it. The last thing you want to do is irritate your skin. 

    Avoid products containing pore-clogging oils, and always treat your skin with the utmost care.


    Are you a natural kind of girl? 

    If so, here are some herbs that have proven to be effective in fighting the battle of both endometriosis and acne symptoms:

    • Chamomile -  Drinking a cup of chamomile tea may help symptoms of endometriosis.  A study performed in 2018 revealed that chrysin, a compound found in the herb Chamomile, suppressed the growth of endometrial cells.
    • Milk Thistle, Burdock, and Dandelion - These three herbs have a great reputation for cleansing the blood and strengthening the liver. Since the liver detoxifies the body, it's vitally important to keep it working properly to eliminate endometriosis skin breakouts.
    • Turmeric - Curcumin, a component found in turmeric, is the perfect herb for helping to reduce the pain and inflammation brought about by endometriosis and acne.
    • Green tea - A 2018 study showed that epigallocatechin gallate (EGCC), a polyphenol found in green tea, halts the growth of new blood vessels. There is evidence to show that green tea and other antiangiogenic agents may provide a new realm of treatment for those suffering from endometriosis. 

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