Lack of Sex Drive While Breastfeeding: How Are the Two Related? And What Can Be Done?

Nearly everything changes when you have a baby, and unfortunately, that can include your sex drive.

As if being a newly postpartum and breastfeeding mother isn’t enough, you now lack nearly all desires in the bedroom.

Having a baby might not be the only reason behind your lack of sex.

Does breastfeeding affect sex drive?

It just might, but your sex life isn’t doomed forever.

Learn why you’re sex drive may be lacking if you’re a breastfeeding mother and discover some natural ways to enjoy sex once again.

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Does Breastfeeding Affect Sex Drive?

Many things change for a woman after giving birth, and for some, that includes sex

New mothers who nurse their babies want to know if breastfeeding and no sex drive go hand-in-hand. 

Having no sex drive while nursing is not universal, however, it is common. Why? Hormones play a big role.

  1. Breastfeeding mothers have low estrogen and progesterone, which can lower libido. 
  2. Breastfeeding releases oxytocin, which is also released during an orgasm. 

Because the breasts are an erogenous zone, the surging hormones and sensations in your body while you are breastfeeding can sometimes mimic sexual pleasures. This could cause a breastfeeding mother not to feel the need to seek sexual attention from her partner.

Does Breastfeeding Decrease Libido?

If you’re a new mom and breastfeeding, no sex drive and a decrease in libido might be something that you’re experiencing.

Hormones directly affect your libido, and a newly postpartum mother who is breastfeeding will very likely have unstable hormones. 

When your hormones are out of whack, you probably experience:

  • Low estrogen levels
  • A lack of natural lubrication in your vagina
  • Uncomfortable and painful sex

This is not unusual. In fact, it is quite normal.

But your sex-life does not have to be doomed.

Chiavaye has created an all-natural personal moisturizer and lubricant to help you enjoy sex, even while postpartum and breastfeeding.

4 Reasons You May Have a Lack of Sex Drive While Breastfeeding

While some women experience a decrease in their sex drive while breastfeeding, other women might experience no change at all. Sometimes, women even see an increase in their sex drive while nursing their babies.

Regardless of where you and your sex drive might be, you are not alone. If you have no desire while breastfeeding to have sex, there are some legitimate reasons as to why this might be:

  1. Your hormones are on a rollercoaster ride and are always changing.
  2. You cannot be touched or needed anymore.
  3. You are absolutely exhausted.
  4. Your breasts are sore, engorged, leaking, and painful.

#1: Hormones

Postpartum and breastfeeding women create a lot of hormones. These hormones increase and decrease, causing confusion for a woman’s body.

One hormone in particular, oxytocin, plays a big role in sexual relationships, childbirth, and breastfeeding.

  1. Relationships. Oxytocin is the hormone that controls relationships, bonding, trust, and love. It is released during an orgasm.
  2. Labor. Oxytocin causes the uterus to contract, which helps to push out the baby.
  3. Breastfeeding. Oxytocin is also released when nursing a baby and helps a woman’s uterus to contract and shrink back down. It also helps to build the relationship and bond between a mother and her baby.

When a baby is born and oxytocin surges, there is also a significant decrease in estrogen and progesterone. The constant change in hormones can make a woman feel crazy.

The decrease in estrogen can also be connected to a lack of sex drive specifically in a breastfeeding mother. Additionally, breastfeeding stimulates the release of oxytocin, which for some women can be enough to feel like they’ve been aroused.

Maintaining a healthy diet may help combat hormonal changes and help to get them under control, so be aware of what types of food you’re putting into your body.

Vaginal Dryness: Does Breastfeeding Make you Dry ‘Down There?’

After the birth of a baby, a mother experiences a decrease in estrogen. This decrease can directly cause vaginal dryness.

But does breastfeeding make you dry “down there”, too?

Estrogen, as well as oxytocin, play a role in breastfeeding. 

So yes, breastfeeding might result in a lack of sex drive, as well as vaginal dryness or discomfort.

But postpartum sex and sex while breastfeeding do not have to be painful.

Chiavaye makes an all-natural lubricant that can help with vaginal dryness. The quick application will be worth the trouble because it can make sex feel good once again.

#2: Feeling ‘Touched Out’

Breastfeeding mothers might have a baby attached to them multiple times a day.

It is not uncommon for babies to nurse five, six, seven, eight or more times in a twenty-four hour period.

As a breastfeeding mother, you are your baby’s only source of food. They need you 24/7.

Do breastfeeding and sex drive go hand-in-hand?

They can. Here’s how.

When Mom finally gets to stop nursing for a few minutes or even a few hours and she can put the baby down, the last thing she might want is to be touched and needed even more.

So yes, breastfeeding mothers might not want to have sex as often as they once had.

#3: Exhaustion

Breastfeeding a baby day and night can be exhausting. Who wants to have sex when they’re so tired? Some women might prefer to sleep every chance that they possibly can.

If this is you, you’re in luck. 

You can save yourself time and still have enjoyable sex with Chiavaye’s all-natural lubricant. The lubricant will help speed up the “getting ready” process so you can have both enjoyable sex and sleep.

#4: Breast Soreness and Milk Secretion

Breastfeeding can come with a handful of unwanted side effects. Some of these side effects might include:

  • Sore breasts
  • Leaking milk
  • Breast engorgement
  • Cracked nipples

Having sex with these symptoms might just be plain uncomfortable.

Chiavaye’s lubricant not only helps with vaginal dryness and a pleasant sexual experience, but it can be used to moisturize other areas of the body, too. 

The lubricant can help to massage your sore breasts and keep your cracked nipples from bleeding while they heal. 

Breastfeeding can come with a handful of unwanted side effects. Some of these side effects might include:

  • Sore breasts
  • Leaking milk
  • Breast engorgement
  • Cracked nipples

Having sex with these symptoms might just be plain uncomfortable.

Chiavaye’s lubricant not only helps with vaginal dryness and a pleasant sexual experience, but it can be used to moisturize other areas of the body, too. 

The lubricant can help to massage your sore breasts and keep your cracked nipples from bleeding while they heal. 

With some of these symptoms subsided, sex can be enjoyable again.

No Sex Drive While Breastfeeding? Treat Yourself with Grace and Patience

Having a baby and choosing to breastfeed are both major accomplishments. They not only change your mind but your body and sometimes your well-being, too. 

If you have no sex drive while breastfeeding, there are natural ways you can help to boost your libido.

  1. Eat a healthy diet. Feeling physically healthy can help you to look your best and help to combat your hormones, leading to a boost in your sex drive.
  2. Get as much sleep as a new mother can. If you’re well-rested, you might find that with the right tools, you have the energy for a healthy sexual relationship again.
  3. Try Chiavaye’s all-natural lubricant. Chiavaye’s lubricant can help with vaginal dryness and make the experience fun and pain-free again.

Most importantly, give yourself some grace because these times won’t last forever. Sex can be exciting again.

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